Linnaeus 's scheme of arranging organisms into an ascending series of groups of ever increasing inclusiveness is the hierarchial system of classification.
A category is known as taxon. The framework of taxonomic hierarchy is as shown . All the members of a taxon show similar characteristics which are different from that of the other taxa. As we go from species to kingdom, the number of similarities decrease.
SPECIES: It is the group of individuals with similar morphological characters, able to breed among themselves and produce fertile offspring. The members of species are structurally and functionally similar.
GENUS: It includes group of related species. They have identical reproductive organs, Eg Banyan and Fig have same kind of inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed and hence belong to a genus Ficus
FAMILY:it includes group of related genus. Eg: cats and lions belong to the same family Felidae as they have structure and claws.
ORDER: It is a group of families that resemble one another in few characters. Eg Tiger and wolf have jaws with powerful incisors and large sharp canines and are thereby placed in the order Carnivora.
CLASS: It includes organisms of related orders. Eg/; cats, dogs, bats, dolphins, kangaroos , monkey , camel are in th class mammals due to hairy exoskeleton, milk glands etc.
PHYLUM: It includes organisms belonging to different classes having a few common characters. Eg : all animals which have a notochord present in the embryo are called chordates.
KINGDOM: It includes all organisms that share distinct common charaters. eg: Plantae.