Friday, 2 October 2015


The subkingdom is divided into three divisions.

  • Thallophyta
  • Bryophyta
  • Pteridophyyta
  • This division includes plants that are not differentiated into root, stem, leaf or flower.
  • They are aquatic, fresh water as well as marine.
  • Vascular tissue is absent.
  • sex organs are simple and single celled. Embryo formation after fertilization is absent.
  • Life cycle is completed in two phases dominant haploid gametophytic phase and shortlived , diploid sporophytic phase.
  • The plants are called algae which may be single celled (chlamydomonas), colonial (volvox) or filamentous( spirogyra)

  • The plant body is thallus or foliose. Roots like rhizoids arise from underside to anchor the plant.
  • These are simplest land plants, confined to damp places. These are also called AMPHIBIANS OF PLANT KINGDOM as they live on land but are dependent on water for sexual reproduction
  • True vascular tissue is absent.
  • Sex organs are multi cellular. Fertilization is external and they need water for gametes to move.Embryo stage is present .Sporophyte is dependent over the gametophyte stage.Sporophyte is differentiated into foot, seta and capsule.
  • This division includes mosses and liverworts.( Funaria, Riccia, Marchantia)
  • The plant body is differentiated into true roots, stem and leaves.
  • They are the highly evolved cryptogams.Stem is generally underground, leaves are made up of leaflets bearing sporangia on the underside.They are the first terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissues.
  • These contain vascular tissue.
  • Sex organs are multicellular and jacketed.Embryo stageis present. Main plant body is sporophye.
  • This division includes ferns( Dryopteris, Pteris) and selaginella.


It includes all  the organisms with the following features:

  1. Eukaryotic, multi cellular with photosynthetic mode of nutrition.These are normally called producers.
  2. Body is usually branched and irregular. Growth in plants is unlimited .
  3. Cell wall made of cellulose is present.
  4. Food is stored in the form of starch.
  5. The plants are usually fixed or free floating. Active locomotion is absent.
  6. Asexual as well as sexual reproduction takes place. Embryo stage is present except in alga
  7. Exceptions:
  8. Cuscuta is a parasite.
  9. Nepenthes , Drosera are insectivorous plants.

  • Differentiation of plant body into distinct components.
  • Presence of vascular tissue.
  • Ability to bear seeds
  • Enclosure of seeds in fruits.

Eichler divided the kingdom into two sub kingdoms
  • CRYPTOGAMS: This group includes plants which are flowerless and do not bear seeds. In these plants, reproduction is carried on by some method other than the seeds or flowers. The sex organs are hidden and not conspicuous.
  • PHANEROGAMS: This is the highest evolved group of plants. It includes flowering and seed bearing plants. They reproduce sexually by means of seeds.

Thursday, 1 October 2015


Diagram of a bacterium.
Nostoc a blue-green alga
Illustration of basic shapes of bacteria in flat design

Features of monera ( diversity IX)

                                                           KINGDOM   MONERA
It includes all prokaryotic organisms chracterised by the following features:

  1. These are basically unicellular and most primitive.
  2. These are microscopic
  3. Cell wall made of peptidoglycans or carbohydrates, proteins and lipids is generally present.( exception; mycoplasma ) They have a single membrane system.
  4. All membrane bound organelles like mitochondia, lysosomes are absent.
  5. Genetic material is not organized into nucleus.It consists of naked DNA (without histone proteins)and is called nucleoid.
  6. They have various mode of nutrition i.e. saprobic, photosynthetic, parasitic, symbiotic, chemoautotrophic etc.
  7. Bacterial flagella ,if present is simple and single stranded .
  8. It includes all bacteria( E.coli), cyanobacteria (blue green alga i.e nostoc, anabaena) mycoplasmas.

HABITAT:These are the most abundant organisms on earth.They can live in extreme habitats such as hot springs, deserts, snow and deep oceans where very few other life forms can exist.
SHAPE: on the basis of shape bacteria can be grouped under four categories: spherical( coccus), rod shaped( bacillus), comma shaped (vibrio) and spiral (spirillum)
MODE OF NUTRITION: Some bacteria are photoautotrophic while others are chemoautotrophic i.e they oxidize various inorganic substances like nitrates, ammonia and use released energy for their ATP production.Most of them are heterotrophs i.e they do not synthesise their own food but depend on other organisms or on dead organic matter for food.
ARCHAEBACTERIA: These bacteria live in most harsh habitats . They differ from eubacteria in having a different cell wall structure which enables it to live in extreme conditions.
 Eg:  halophiles ( salty areas), thermoacidophiles(hot springs) and methanogens(marshy areas, gut of ruminants). Methanogens are responsible for production of biogas from the dung of these organisms.
REPRODUCTION:They mainly reproduce by fission. Under unfavorable circumstances they produce spores.
MYCOPLASMA: These are the smallest cells known and can survive without oxygen. These do not have a cell wall.They are pathogenic in plants and animals.