Thursday 1 September 2016

Life processes revision sheet- 2 for class X

44.   Draw a well labelled diagram of human heart.
45.   State the function of components of blood.
46.   Why do ventricles have thicker walls?
47.   Explain significance of double circulation.
48.   Name the organism in which blood goes only once through the heart in one cycle.
49.   Name the organism which has two chambered heart.
50.   Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in birds and mammals?
51.   What is blood pressure?
52.   Give the value of systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
53.   Name the instrument which measures blood pressure.
54.   What is hypertension and what can be its impacts?
55.   What would happen if blood would leak from a blood vessel? Explain how is it fixed?
56.   What is tissue fluid? Give its composition. State its functions.
57.   Why do plants need a proper transportation system?
58.   Why do plants have low energy needs?
59.   Explain the transport of water in plants.
60.   State three importance of transpiration for a plant.
61.   Does root pressure play any role in transport of water in plants?
62.   Define translocation.
63.   Explain the difference between transport of water and food in plants.
64.   Define excretion.
65.   How is urine produced?
66.   Draw a well labelled diagram of human excretory system.
67.   Name the filtration units in kidneys.
68.   Name few factors which can reduce the activity of kidneys.
69.   Give the value of initial filtrate as well as final urine output per day in humans.
70.   Explain hemodialysis with the help of a diagram.
71.   What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory wastes.
72.   How the amount of urine is produced regulated?
73.   Explain the difference in respiration in plants and animals.
74.   What is the role of saliva in digestion of food?

75.   Compare the functioning of alveoli in lungs and nephrons in the kidneys with respect to their structure and functioning.

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